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Tuesday, 26 February 2019



It's been awhile since I visited Chicago Fire Grill. I like their burgers.


What a character! Eating Chicago dogs + fries won't get you any skinnier. Driving yourself gives you maybe 100 extra steps in?


I like their lamb burger Soo.

He always makes me laugh Junichi!

Derek R

Only issue with Chicago dogs is that after eating the first I want two more...


that owner, what a hoot!


That's a nice problem to have Derek! ;o)

He is quite a character Kat.


The owner at Chicago is great. I was there a few weeks ago and ordered a beef, dipped, dipped, dipped and he immediately came out and asked what part of Chicago I'm from. I told him Indiana and he cracked up and we chatted. Pretty good stuff!


So, you're from the Indiana part of Chicago eh, Dereck? ;o) He always cracks me up with his comments.


I grew up in east central Indiana, but we had a local chicago beef restaurant that made the best sandwiches, and the only thing I am nostalgic for there!


Hi Dereck - Actually, I prefer Chicago Beef Sandwiches to the dogs and's just that I can't get a good version here in San Diego.
Now you got me missing Johnnie's:


Kirk, There is nothing better than a chicago beef, and Johnnie's is fantastic!


I do get some childish glee from being able to walk up to a counter and order a "Beef - Juicy - Hot" without getting something thrown at me Dereck!

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