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Wednesday, 03 October 2018



RIP Nozomi's Famous Chirashi Salad. Before being introduced to that dish I didn't know anything about gochujang or hwe dup bap.


I hadn't been to Nozomi in a long time, probably longer ago than Cathy's review. I also remember the chirashi salad well.


yikes for those on that christmas list...


The end of an era MrZ!

It was one of the items that they did a decent job with Sandy.

Depends on who's been naughty and who's been nice Kat! ;o)


A lot of changes... I'm looking forward to trying TASTE OF THE HIMALAYA'S


Hopefully you won't have to wait too long Soo!


Never had the chance to try Red Cate. They never seemed to be open.


Well, at least I saw the place opened Junichi....once!


In that same shopping center as taste of Himalayas is, and Chicago fire, have you tried the Italian (Stella’s) and the Thai place (star anise)? Both I think are hidden gems.


I did try Star Anise Thai and thought it was rather "Gringo-ish" Thai...perhaps I need to have a coplue more visits Loren? I'll definitely try Stella's! Thanks for the recommendations!

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