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Tuesday, 02 October 2018



Thanks for the review. This is my family's favorite restaurant so hopefully they improve to at least close to the LA locations.


Followed the big Kahuna link, very cool and only $50! Are you still using it?


Wow, surprised that you went to Din Tai Fung on the first day! Co-worker K has a good point on their experience in opening restaurants. My family has been eagerly awaiting their arrival, and will look to make reservations to try it out.


Hi RD - Hope you enjoy DTF. The Big Kahuna is atill around; though it's getting a bit worn down after 13 years. I'm going to need to replace it soon.

I'm surprised myself Sandy! There's some work to do; but I'm fairly certain they'll do very well.


We are going next week for an early lunch. I frowned so hard reading about the no-soup XLBs. I hope they improve as they have a huge fan base waiting for them to impress the entire city (or so it feels). I've never been a huge fan of DTF like my family but still appreciate their attention to detail.


I have lunch reservations for tomorrow with co-workers. Can't wait!


I hope you enjoy DTF Faye!

Hope you enjoy your lunch Junichi!

Lynn @ Oh-So Yummy

My friend set an rsvp for tomorrow lunch. I hope there is more soup by then! I have not been to a DTF yet so this will be my first! Though, the last dim sum I had was in Vancouver which was really good...


Hi Lynn - Hope you have a great time. On a funny note; one of my coworkers from Shanghai just went and called it Food Court XLB. So you kinda see where I'm coming from. ;o)


hope they can improve on their XLB


Thanks for the review, I've got reservations for this weekend. We were at UTC last weekend and saw them practicing the wrapping, hopefully they get a little better at it!


I do too Kat!

I'm sure they'll improve Jason. Hope you enjoy your meal.

Derek R

Been looking forward to the SD DTF. Sounds like they have quite a few kinks to work out but knowing the LA locations I bet the food will be much improved in a few months (though the lines will probably be awful).

I've always been disappointed with the Sichuan cold noodles - they always taste gringoed to me. The rice cakes are usually super yummy though.

Derek R

Also $10 cabbage!? Dude...


I'm sure they'll get things straightened out....though to be honest; at times I'm not suire what all the DTF hype is about Derek. And yes.....that was ten dollar cabbage....but they just needed to have it.

soo @

Place looks pricey...


Ten bucks for cabbage Soo!


It took all my willpower to not visit opening day. I made reservations for later this week in hopes they'll be more consistent by then. I do feel that with each location, the quality seems to get farther away from what they serve in Asia.


I'll usually not go on opening day Kirbie. But I thought with DTF's reach and systems it would be really good. On the good news side; my sources told me that DTF changed up the recipe to the pork and crab XLB a few days after our visit.


Looking forward to trying this place out in the future. It's a good thing it's reservations only for now. Long lines are not fun.

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