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Sunday, 16 September 2018



nice loco moco


That's good they are going strong. Island Style Cafe is my fav Hawaiian place to get fried rice.


It was pretty good Kat.

It is really nice to see Leilani's is doing well these days Soo.


Looks good. I would prefer straight white rice. Taste each component egg, gravy and hamburger patty. Definitely minus points for no Tabasco.


Was Leilanis the one in Serra Mesa? I haven't been to the PB location; once when I tried it was too late in the day. It's a little out of my way, but I will try it soon.


I actually did taste each item separately Kobi....though it does matter how it works all together as well. And good Tabasco....

Hi Sandy - Yes, when Leilani was upgrading the PB location she had the Serra Mesa location open.


Those are some tough hours for a non local. Maybe one of these days the stars will align for a visit.


Yeah, those hours aren't really convenient if you don't live in the neighborhood Junichi.

Derek R

Ooo - dedication post - thanks Kirk! And that looked like a solid moco - just need to sneak in some Tabasco in your pocket next time...


I'm going to have to do that next time Derek! And yes, dedicated to you....since great minds think alike. ;o)

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