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Monday, 02 July 2018



hit or miss...

Lynn @ Oh-So Yummy

We like the fried dumplings that come with the meals. I don't remember seeing that cutlet sign so maybe we haven't tried that yet! They have a stamp card and ours is almost filled out! Sounds like we need to revisit!


Strange the rice ranges from great to terrible.


You'd think they use the same rice cooker. Maybe the worker got the amount of water wrong that day.


Kinda.....but not bad Kat.

I really like the folks working here Lynn. And yes, I have a card as well.

It seemed like leftover rice on that occasion Soo.

Perhaps Junichi....or they just use leftover rice?


I was at a stoplight this morning and saw this place and wondered why it looked familiar. Then I remembered your post, ha ha. Kolbeh is in the same stripmall and was the first place I've ever had Persian food.


That's how I first noticed this place too CC. Was stopping at the light to make a left turn and visit Pho 46.

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