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Monday, 04 June 2018



Hi Kirk: I too love red menudo. In fact I eat it almost every weekend. Here is AZ, there is a grocery store chain that caters to the Hispanic population. It's called Food City and they have a food court/deli space in most of their stores. On weekends, they always have menudo and pozole for only $6.50 for a big bowl (looks like the size you showed in your pics). In 90+% of the times, the menudo is good but the taste varies greatly, depending upon who is assigned to make it that day. They make vats of this stuff daily; I would guess at least 60 gallons each day and that also must affect the taste. But even with the wide variation in taste and seasoning, it is still pretty darn good and a great price!


Man, that sounds like a bargain Alan! 60 gallons....that's a lot of menudo.....


Yeah; they make it a big, rectangular, stainless steel cooking vessel that is gas fueled. That thing looks like those kind of commercial cement troughs that masons use to mix cement.


Great meals that you had. I need to go here again. It's been awhile! The CV Museum across the street was damaged and is now gone, which is a bummer.


That would be something to see Alan.

The Missus loves the menudo CC.


glad she found a version she likes, hope they maintain visit #1 version


I do too Kat!

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