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Saturday, 21 April 2018


Two Foodies One Journey

You can buy quite a lot of unpasteurized cheeses in the US if you ask the right shops (and restaurants)


Great collection of Stroopwafels! Wall Sniffer sounds cool. Next time you need to get photos of Wall Sniffer in action!


Love it all; and French dairy is soooooo good! (When it was open in OC, Surfas used to sell salted Beurre d'Isigny, which freezes really well.)


Not the one's I want TFOJ....especially here in San Diego. Almost all are French or Italian raw milk cheeses.

We hope to see him again......and get photos Soo!


It really is James...soooo good!


Would've been a perfect picnic haul if it was warmer weather.


It sure would have been Junichi.


paris beautiful as always:)


As always always


We stayed in a flat in the 7th on Rue Saint-Dominique. It had a large balcony and the four of us (my mom and I with my son and niece, who were both 12yo) sat on the balcony every evening with bread, cheese, and salad. It was lovely!

The kids would get excited each time the horse carriages went by, running to the balcony to see them.

With a peek-view of the Eiffel Tower, the distance to the sights, and great shopping, we loved staying in the 7th!


Hi Alyson - Thanks so much for taking the time out to comment. I think that this time around; I wanted to have the Missus experience what something in the 7th that would cost over half a million Euros would be like. She still loves the 7th and I'm sure we'll stay there yet again on our next (our 3rd) visit.

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