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Thursday, 22 March 2018



That's good the chicken wings weren't terrible. I think I'm gonna stick with Golden Chopsticks wings though.


And I'll stick with Royal Mandarin and Mandarin Canton Soo......not a good value here.


Kirk, it's starting to feel like Kirbie and you are good cop-bad cop when it comes to these new restaurants :)

I've been meaning to check out Shank & Bone as I live nearby. Looks like I'll go with the bo kho. Thanks Kirk.


Lol Derric. It's good to have a variety of opinions.......hope you enjoy your meal there.


Gotta pay rent I suppose. I might check out the bo kho next time I'm at the Observatory.


The restaurant it replaced, Safe House, didn't last too long. You can cross $17 pho off your list, although the banh xeo tacos looked interesting (but skimpy).

Uh for juvenile minds, the name of this place is rather humorous.


I guess so Junichi.....

Replace one "h" with one "k" CC???!?!? Lol! ;o)

Derek R

$17 for a mediocre bowl of pho & fancy decor...


It was pretty pricey Derek. And not that good either.


Holy cow...$17 for a bowl of pho?!? I haven't been able to convince myself to check the restaurant out. Thanks for the supporting data :)


The North Park ramen hipsterization has finally migrated over to North Park pho.


Lol Jack!

Seems that way Jason.




Can you imagine Billy? Crazy........

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