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Monday, 12 February 2018



Looks good. I'll check it out if I'm in that area.


yeah finally something decent :)


Check them out Junichi! Can't complain about all the "stuffs"!

Yes, finally Kat! ;o)


I get excited when you post "good" SD restaurant reviews! Will have to get there soon. Any word on Kroran opening (the uyghur place)?


Check them out and let me know what you think RD. I think it's pretty good. As for Kroran; all I saw was a bunch of brown paper put up on the windows.


Awesome that you got try it! :) I'm curious what was the best bun rieu you ever had too. I really enjoy reading your reviews especially Vietnamese places and how they have changed over the years.


I recall enjoying the Bun Rieu Oc from the old Thanh Mai restaurant on Bolsa. I believed they moved the place a reopened. Ha Noi was pretty good, better than Viendong in our opinion, which I think has closed. That's off the top of my head. Thanks again for the recommendation Elle!


Just tried this and found it better than the version I had the night before at Pho Ca Dao in CV. Loved the meats in our broth especially the pork rib. There was no shredded morning glory in our veg. Plate but it was quite substantial and full of variety. This is now my newest obsession


I think Phuong Nga makes the best Bun Rieu in San Diego at this time CC!

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