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Thursday, 31 August 2017


Christina C

What a lovely restaurant and meal. I miss restaurants that look like this, romantic, open, but not too open, no dull roar of music and voices. That asparagus dish looks amazing. Also love that you were able to help the Japanese ladies in need :-) Good save.


Nice assist. I had a similar moment when visiting Japan a few years ago. A group of Australian tourists left their bag on the train and were trying to communicate with the elderly station master. It was a tiny train station and he was the only one there. They were going nowhere so I jumped in and translated for them. The bag eventually turned up and I got a thumbs up from the station master as I was leaving!


We really enjoyed Le Saint-Armour Christina and having that moment at the end just added to the experience.

It really felt great Junichi....though the Missus was less amused.


great meal and nice use of your japanese:)


What a great story - and the meal looks great!


My very, very limited Japanese Kat.

The meal was excellent James. Though my Japanese is terrible.


I'm loving your posts on Quebec!


Hi Su-Lin - QC is fun to visit, isn't it?

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