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Monday, 24 April 2017



I'll have to pay a visit soon, specifically for the Issan sausage.


That BBH looks/sounds a lot better than it has in years. I took a break from Mien Trung after getting a couple lousy bowls of BBH. I may have to make a stop in the near future...


Hey CC - I've found a really good Lao Sausage recently...I just gotta get around to posting

Hi Derek - I'd notice a Mien Trung slump for a while too:

Though our last two visits have been pretty good. So hopefully, it was just a little slump.


Heat level 7! I can only tolerate up to 4.


I used to be able to go to "10" Junichi.....nowadays, I'd probably kill myself.


I think I know where they get the Issan sausages!


Hey TFD - I've got a different favorite for Lao style sausages right now.

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