When the Missus asks to go to breakfast on the weekend; She doesn't mean pancakes and eggs. No, She wants something from, say Zarlitos or Fernandez Catering. It's nice to have access to a bit of variety around these parts. Here are a couple of places I've posted on many times before.
It took a while to talk the Missus into having breakfast with me at Hinotez. But memories of "Japanese Breakfast" in Japan finally made Her give in. I've already gone into what a simple breakfast of natto, egg, and rice means to me. And while Hinotez no longer serves the simple "Basic Breakfast"......you now have to get a bunch of proteins and the natto, egg, and tororo are add-ons, kind of a bummer, this is the only place you'll get something close to Japanese breakfast in San Diego. And only on Saturday and Sunday.
This ends up being a bit too much food and just like in Miyajima, we just head back to bed afterwards. Also, we've learned to request "half-rice" with this as well.
Anyway, it basically is all about the natto and rice thing....though I got beef and chicken karaage. The beef was tender and there were no complaints. The karaage was fine; crisp and nicely flavored.....but in a real amateur move, they had cut one of the pieces in half to check doneness.
Still, this brings back memories of places like Yaesu Hatsufuji.
7947 Balboa Ave
San Diego, CA 92111
Aqui es Texcoco:
A big favorite of the Missus, she loves the Plato Azteca here....and always gets an order of beans to go. Go figure.
I'd never had the Sopes, so I thought I'd give it a try. It was very good; the combination of lamb and beans just went together well. The rustic thick corn base was also texturally pleasant.
The light milky-tanginess of the cheese helped cut through the richness....though I gotta say this is pretty heavy stuff. I was stuffed after one and a half.
Even the Café Olla didn't help.
The Missus got a Quesataco with Flor de Calabaza, which was very crunchy - creamy, but a bit too salty for me, which basically muted all the other flavors. And of course the Plato Azteca, which I've posted on a good number of times Like always it's huitlacoche and flor de calabaza. She also loves the leftovers as there's no way She can finish all of this.
Aqui Es Texcoco
1043 Broadway
Chula Vista, CA 91911
And then the best part.......because we're able to do this on weekends I don't have to go into work.....it's time to roll back into bed!
I would definitely need a nap after those breakfasts:)
Posted by: kat | Sunday, 19 March 2017 at 09:59 PM
We sure did Kat!
Posted by: Kirk | Monday, 20 March 2017 at 07:04 AM
I need to break down and try natto one of these days. Is Hinotez the best place to try it or is there somewhere else you'd suggest for a first timer?
Posted by: Derek | Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 12:09 AM
Hey Derek - You might want to go to Santouka and just get a natto rice bowl....if I recall they sell just that. Make sure you add some soy sauce and mix well.
Posted by: Kirk | Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 07:33 AM
Perfect - thanks Kirk!
Posted by: Derek | Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 01:56 PM
As always, I look forward to what you think Derek....especially since it's natto!
Posted by: Kirk | Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 02:54 PM