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Tuesday, 17 January 2017



Awesome video. My favorite was the fried chicken and fried wonton. Manapua man even came to the country in Kahaluu. Played rain drops keep falling on my head over his loud speaker.


That brings back memories Kyle! I really enjoyed that video too.


nice! next time you are near tanioka's stop in at honolulu kitchen for fried manapua, same lot opposite ends.


Nice! THanks for the rec' Kat!


When Mary and I went a few days after they opened, it was full of folks doing take out. We actually ate in (seating isn't that great). We had poor service from the young man working the counter who didn't seem to be paying close attention to us even though we were standing right there in front of him. :(

Not having had a banh bao before (the closest thing was siapao) I wasn't sure what to expect. I liked the bbq pork filling, the fried was better but way too heavy/rich to make a full meal. Dough was on the gummy side, which was not a pleasant texture.

Looks like they worked out the kinks though, which is good.


Hi CC - It is getting better....but of course; how many Banh Bao can one person eat?


One and a half was enough for me, Lol.


Oh good. I meant to mention this place to you.


That sounds about right CC!

You did Jan:

Thanks Again!


Ah, the manapua man! That brings back some great memories


A blast from the past Jack!

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