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Monday, 12 December 2016


Soo @ hungryones

Hmmm... I'm gonna ask if they will make me chicken wings to order. They sound good when fresh!


Definitely much better when fresh Soo.


KKC's East Village location is inside Park Blvd. Express, the fast food-steam table Chinese place on Park and Market by the trolley stop. I've avoided getting the fried chicken there because it looks like the chicken just sits around under a heat lamp there, likely similar to the tender and three-piece meal.


Yes Derric - This doesn't seem to do so well after sitting under those heat lamps.


I also saw ramen on the menu but was too skeptical. You are a true culinary warrior!


Or just crazy enough to try it Junichi....


You were brave enough to try the ramen! I was very curious but also very skeptical.


Well, it lived up to expectations Kirbie!

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