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Wednesday, 13 July 2016



Taisho is on my top 3 places I must try before end of summer. Do you make reservations or walk in?

A 13.4% ABV is insane for a beer. I didn't know that brand was part of Saint Archer. I can't see the pic well - is that a pint size for that bottle?


nice COMC :)


I'd call and make reservations Faye. I think because they run really lean, you might have to call after 9pm. Yep, I used a pint glass. It's a typical "bomber" (22 oz) size.

Thanks Kat!


I LOVE your home eats posts (although home eats is a sub section of this particular post). I read your restaurant posts to enjoy them vicariously, as we rarely get out to eat. I read your cooking posts for inspiration. Thanks!

And I think we'll need to actually get out for some 'dat lamb...


I need to get my act together and do more of those Jan!

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