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Wednesday, 01 June 2016



Jerks, hope you guys found better eats.
I think it's called a fetish of some sort.

Soo @ hungryones

Wow! Great Peru photos! Love that seawall/octopus. Paddington really gets around. I like that park the cats took over.


Too bad about the ice cream... I agree that if they don't want your money, don't give it to them! Glad that it didn't damper your spirits too much.

J.S. @ Sun Diego Eats

Funny I don't remember a lot from our time in Lima, we just spend a day or two there on the way to and from Machu Picchu but as soon as I saw the picture of Larcomar Shopping I remembered very clearly having a meal there.

The "donkey belly" saying regarding the sky is great. In Brazil there is a kind of indeterminate brown-grey colour that is called "cor de burro quando foge" which means the colour of a donkey when it runs away.

Lastly, me and my family are all quite fond of cats, my sister especially. She would have the time of her life at this park.

Ed  (from Yuma)

Glad you're back and posting. It sucks when waitstaff give bad advice. Maybe Gringos have a reputation for liking sweet and goopy things.

Looking forward to more food and travel.


Hi Billy - The good news is, we found some really great eats!

Lima is one of my favorite cities Soo....

Hi Jason - There are always the one or two folks you come across who aren't very nice....we just take our money elsewhere.

Love that phrase JS! I hope you get a chance to visit Lima again...and if you're a cat lover you'll really enjoy Parque Kennedy.

Hi Ed - It seems that the gringo profile is for food on the sweeter side without any spice at all.....


too bad about the food but glad ice cream didn't disappoint


Hi Kat - Yeah, that was a bummer, but we didn't let it affect us.

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