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Thursday, 09 June 2016



sounds like a great day minus the freezing temps


I'm glad you got to try the original Santouka. Reminds me of Din Tai Fung, where there's so many offshoots of it that I'm curious how they differ from the orignal.

Soo @ hungryones

That's awesome you found and visited the original Santouka!


We even kind of enjoyed the cold Kat....but not for very long!

It's been on the Missus's wish list for a while Jason. Funny you should mention DTF....we actually went to the Kyoto location.

It's always good to go to "the original" just to see how things are Soo!


I've been to the Shibuya Santouka and it tasted the same as San Diego. The original location must be the way to go. My friend trekked all the way to the Yoichi distillery when he visited Hokkaido. His relatives thought he was crazy as well!


Hey Junichi - I was a bit surprised that it was better...I'd expected the same 'ol. Folks just couldn't figure of all the places in Hokkaido, why we chose Asahikawa in winter.


I loved this post, Kirk. I've moved away for the time being, but still enjoy reading your blog regularly! Best to you and the Missus.


Hey Liver - It's great hearing from you! The Missus actually mentioned you to me a couple of days back wondering where you were. I hope all is well!


I am jealous that you did not bring home a bottle of Sake for us foodies in OC to taste.


LOL Beach! Nice to hear form you and hope all is well. You gotta drink sake when it's fresh.....I didn't know when I'd see my friends in the OC next!

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