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Sunday, 31 January 2016



bummer about the haircut, the noodles look good, stay warm!


Breakfast of champs.


Yeah, it's given my quite an interesting look Kat.

Totally Billy, one of my faves.


I've been to Minh Ky once around 9am and was surprised that there were people were there!

Soo @ hungryones

That's a good comparison! I go to Minh Ky for the won ton soup too. I'll have to try Tim Ky again. Sam Woo has pretty good won ton soup as well.


Folks started coming in at about 9am Jack. I got there at 0830 and was the only customer.

I recently had the Won Ton Soup at Sam Woo and found it to be MSG heavy and the noodles were mushy Soo. With this weather, perhaps I'll try them out again.


I haven't been to Tim Ky in awhile - maybe it's time for a re-visit. Yesterday would have been a good day for soup noodles except that it was too cold to leave the house!


That's some serious dedication to your barber! It sure was windy yesterday. Our mailbox blew down!


Great comparison! When we lived closer, Tim Ky was our go-to place but since we're closer to Minh Ky now, we end up there quite a bit except on Wednesdays. Overall, we do prefer MK. The portion size goes to MK as we feel TK falls a little short there. So with that said, were you able to finish the entire bowl at MK for breakfast?

Ed (from Yuma)

Funny post - sad about the barber though.


I think it's even colder this morning Sandy!

I'm glad that was the only damage sustained Junichi. It sure was windy!

I agree LL. And yes; I was hungry so I finished it.......didn't eat lunch though! ;o)

Hi Ed - Yeah.......I did track him down though.

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