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Monday, 11 January 2016



Very nice...need to out this on my to try" list!


Hope they can stabilize, sounds good though

Soo @ hungryones

Mmm... Gotta try the ropa vieja. I usually go to Andre's when I want to eat this dish.


Hope you get a chance to check them out CC.

I do too Kat!

I prefer the Ropa Vieja here, though the flavors of the version at Andre's is more assertive Soo.


Looks and sound promising.


Is that cilantro on top of the Bistec Encebollado? I am hoping to try Havana this week for a quick lunch. Is this a sit down restaurant or an order-at-cashier ? The Cubano looks nicely pressed and crunchy.


It is Billy, I hope they keep improving.

Hi Faye - It's one of those order at the counter places. Yes, that's cilantro and griddled onions on the bistec. The bistec was a bit underwhelming; I hope you have better luck. Also, because they are still working the kinks out, service might be a on the slow side.


Great to have another option here in SD.


That very true Jack!

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