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Thursday, 17 December 2015



Hi Cathy, makes sense that the downtown location serves breakfast. I often go to the UTC mall location for lunch and get the romain salad with fried chicken (which is crunchy and great if you have it there, otherwise tends to steam up in the to-go containers).


One of these days I'll have to try breakfast downtown. The happy vegan looks like a good and healthy variety. I have only been to the Point Loma location and that was in 09,yikes.

Good coffee can also be had at West Bean down the block


I really enjoy Tender Greens, super fresh ingredients, simple preparations and never understood why some circles don't care for it...oh well!


I've ben curious about the fried chicken here, Dennis-one item we've never tried. Now I will. I really liked the breakfast we had and hope to try it again, soon.

It was great, cc. TG is only one of two places where I've had to go back immediately (as in that evening or the next day) after the first visit. Taking out of town visitors here shows them local foods which we sometimes take for granted.

I agree, Jack. People from back East always comment how they'd do anything to have such flavorful, fresh food available all year. We here are fortunate.

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