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Wednesday, 11 November 2015



I still remember you asking about those men:) the tsukemen was a nice way to end your trip.


It looks like you and the Missus had a great time. Coincidentally, I think we were in Japan around the same time (10/14 to 10/28), and visiting similar cities. It's hard to find a bad meal in Japan. So when are you going back?


That was quite amusing Kat. And I really enjoyed the Tsukemen.

I believe you're right LL.......I think we're going back ASAP.


I would love to visit Japan now. I think people are hesitant to travel to Japan because it's expensive and not knowing the language. At least you had the Missus who can (try to) read the characters. As for the cost, I would stick with the local food (which looks like you did). My brother-in-law complained about the cost of a Big Mac in Norway; I wondered why he would eat American fast-food in Scandanavia unless he was checking out the differences in McDonalds.


Damn. A case of Ebisu. Those guys aren't messing around!


Sandy, that was funny.

Oh boy that ramen looks delicious I prefer soft noodles please.


A Big Mac in Norway, Sandy? I don't even eat that here is the states..... Travel is probably the highest cost for us in Japan. Food can be, but if you eat like a local can be quite affordable.

They sure were having a great time Junichi.

I prefer my noodles firm Billy!


LOL. I think I'll invest in electric bowls for my next hare brained scheme.


Well, ok Jan!


You are making me regret canceling my trip to Japan this month!


Bummer cancelled out on Japan? Oh man...


In case it helps sway anyone on the fence... the USD to JPY conversion rate is great right now.


Last I check 122:1 LL.

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