Sadly, Osaka would be the last stop on our trip to Japan. Well, not really our last stop as we left Osaka early and decided to grab lunch at Tokyo Station.
As always, the Shinkansen was perfectly on time. It's such a comfortable way to travel.
People watching is such fun........and we saw this group of folks; mostly men having a great time in the rows in front of us.
There was one guy taking photos.....I guess the designated photographer. As soon as the Shinkansen started; they started....breaking out the beer! 8am in the morning! I sent Kat a text and a photo and she explained that it looked like a company outing......hitting the brews at 8am? That's one heck of a company outing! They sure were having a great time. What was even more impressive.....after they exited I walked past the seats and it was spotless! As if no one had even sat there.....they sure did a great job cleaning up.
We had a small bento to share......
We decided to spend our last few hours at Tokyo Station before heading to the airport. They call it Tokyo Station City and if you ever visit there it becomes quite obvious that it's large and populous enough to qualify as a city.
There was one last eating destination that I wanted to try. It is located in the basement of Tokyo Station near the Yaesu exit. Here you'll find Tokyo Ramen Street. Here you'll find one shop with a line that stretches around the a bunch of teenyboppers waiting to buy Justin Beiber tickets. This is the very popular Rokurinsha..... Hyped by folks like David Chang, even people I know who wouldn't know Tsukemen from Tsukemono have heard of this place. The line says it all. I will say, it moves pretty quickly...there are signs along the way telling you what the projected wait is from that location.
This is one of the those order from the ramen ticket machine places.
We ordered a Ajitama Tsukemen, the standard issue Tsukemen here. Along with some extra chashu, menma, and another egg. This ended up being enough for the Missus and I to share.
I really liked this....the Missus on the other hand didn't care for the heady niboshi (dried baby sardines) - sababushi (mackeral flakes) flavor, with a topping of bonito powder, calling it too fishy. The broth is thick, perfect for sticking to those thick and chewy noodles....did I say chewy noodles? Let me say, very chewy noodles. This was also a bit too much for the Missus.
It was also a bit much for the quite...ummmm....hefty young lady seated on the table next to us. The Missus kept laughing as the young lady, who had ordered a large bowl of tsukemen, with chashui and extra other words more than what the Missus and I were having combined, kept complaining about how chewy the noodles are...making her jaw sore, in Mandarin. But that sure didn't stop her from finishing off her bowl and the remainder of her eating companion's as well. In fact, the other young lady looked a bit tense. When the Missus mentioned this to me, I said, "she's afraid that she's going to be dessert!"
The chashu was very nice; it looked too tough, but was tender and well flavored. The egg....well, you can tell how good it was. I loved this, the Missus, not so much. Oh well, that how it goes. I will say that for some reason the broth gets cool quite was getting less pleasant to eat at the end.
For me, it was a nice way to end our time in Japan. And makes me want to return soon!
Rokurinsha (Tokyo Station)
1-9-1 Marunochi, Chiyoda, Tokyo
For a number of reasons, I'd always hesitated when travel to Japan was mentioned. Those reservations were misplaced, we both loved Japan. Travel was easy....while finding addresses were not. We noticed that each city we visited had it's own distinct personality and of course wagashi (confection). The food.....oh yes, the food, from Sushi Iwa and Suzunari to Okariba and Mizuno, I don't think we've ever eaten so well!
Thanks for reading!
I still remember you asking about those men:) the tsukemen was a nice way to end your trip.
Posted by: kat | Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 09:37 PM
It looks like you and the Missus had a great time. Coincidentally, I think we were in Japan around the same time (10/14 to 10/28), and visiting similar cities. It's hard to find a bad meal in Japan. So when are you going back?
Posted by: LL | Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 11:46 PM
That was quite amusing Kat. And I really enjoyed the Tsukemen.
I believe you're right LL.......I think we're going back ASAP.
Posted by: Kirk | Thursday, 12 November 2015 at 07:54 AM
I would love to visit Japan now. I think people are hesitant to travel to Japan because it's expensive and not knowing the language. At least you had the Missus who can (try to) read the characters. As for the cost, I would stick with the local food (which looks like you did). My brother-in-law complained about the cost of a Big Mac in Norway; I wondered why he would eat American fast-food in Scandanavia unless he was checking out the differences in McDonalds.
Posted by: Sandy | Thursday, 12 November 2015 at 10:10 AM
Damn. A case of Ebisu. Those guys aren't messing around!
Posted by: Junichi | Thursday, 12 November 2015 at 11:11 AM
Sandy, that was funny.
Oh boy that ramen looks delicious I prefer soft noodles please.
Posted by: nhbilly | Thursday, 12 November 2015 at 05:43 PM
A Big Mac in Norway, Sandy? I don't even eat that here is the states..... Travel is probably the highest cost for us in Japan. Food can be, but if you eat like a local can be quite affordable.
They sure were having a great time Junichi.
I prefer my noodles firm Billy!
Posted by: Kirk | Thursday, 12 November 2015 at 06:55 PM
LOL. I think I'll invest in electric bowls for my next hare brained scheme.
Posted by: janfrederick | Friday, 13 November 2015 at 07:43 AM
Well, ok Jan!
Posted by: Kirk | Friday, 13 November 2015 at 07:45 AM
You are making me regret canceling my trip to Japan this month!
Posted by: jack | Friday, 13 November 2015 at 11:02 AM
Bummer cancelled out on Japan? Oh man...
Posted by: Kirk | Friday, 13 November 2015 at 12:53 PM
In case it helps sway anyone on the fence... the USD to JPY conversion rate is great right now.
Posted by: LL | Friday, 13 November 2015 at 02:31 PM
Last I check 122:1 LL.
Posted by: Kirk | Friday, 13 November 2015 at 07:51 PM