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Sunday, 11 October 2015



too bad about the food


I know Kat....kind of a bummer.


I always wonder why food deficiencies like what you described happen. Where is management in these issues? Can't they taste the lack of miso in the misoshiru? Can't they see the off putting color with the chicken katsu? Who the heck puts teriyaki sauce on kalua pig? WTH??

Soo @ hungryones

Doh! That and the kalbi are the only dishes I'd order... Strange color on the karaage. Where do you like to go to kalua pork? I usually go to Homestyle H.


They've changed their menu a lot over the years. I've gone back periodically but haven't had the same items you've had. That karaage looked pretty bad.


Oh no that was disappointing. No loco moco?


I always know something afoot when one of your posts starts with: "Let me first say that the folks here are wonderful."
That karaage looks like popcorn. And I've never seen teriyaki sauce on kalua pork. Have you seen that elsewhere?


Hi Alan - To answer your questions...I dunno. It seems like they just come up with a bunch of ideas and go for it......

Hi Soo - In the end....I make my own kalua pork. Homestyle Hawaiian does a passable version....

Hi CC - That karaage was rather disturbing. Too bad, I like the people here.

No Loco Moco on the menu Billy!

You totally got my MO Jan......though the folks here are really nice and I want to make sure folks know that. And teriyaki sauce on kalua pork....just no.... I'm thinking they thought it was like pulled pork...I guess.


You should have an acronym for these places just like your ABC Chinese restaurants. There's a place in our local mall that does Hawaiian style bbq but I think its more of an interpretation. I got a spam musubi. Instead of plain rice they used sushi seasoned rice.


That's a hard one Kyle.....I have to think about it!

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