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Tuesday, 20 October 2015



I've been to the (now defunct) Costa Mesa location before. I had the tonkotsu black. It was just OK so I never returned. I'll have to give the assari a try!


Thanks, I'll have to give them a try. Looks like a worthy contender to add to the ramen rotation.


Give it a shot Junichi....though I think some of the other items are actually better than the ramen.

Check them out Jason.......better than second tier ramen.


Hope they can improve


Pig ears fried, sold I'm there. Matter of speaking any pork goodness I am there.


I hope they can keep improving too Kat!

Totally those fried pig ears.

Soo @ hungryones

That's some good looking tempura! Was there veggies other than zucchini in there?


Hi Soo - It's actually Brussel Sprouts....not much except that...and truffle oil. Add some salt and what more do you really need....

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