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Tuesday, 08 September 2015



Their small is quite large and I liked that you can have two flavors in a small. Some places don't let you do that. I enjoyed their blueberry cheesecake and banana guava.


Oh, I love banana flavored any things, cc! Every flavor at EscoGelato is just great. It's so nice to find locally owned places with quality products.

Ning Wei Wang

I am Ning Wei Wang, I love cakes and gelatoes but I never taste them...I used to visit San Deigo and tried some ice cream. well,I enjoy your articles and I want to write something about the chinese snacks.Yummy,yummy, Ning

Soo H

You are wise. That does look like a good way to stay cool. Do you prefer gelato to ice cream?


Thanks, Ning. You could write a lot better about Chinese snacks than I could! There is such a variety in China, compared to here.
You are so nice, Soo. The intense, concentrated flavor of gelato is probably why I prefer it more...just as I prefer a small piece of dark chocolate, good shot of espresso or small glass of red wine; a lot of flavor in a small serving.

Ning Wei Wang

I am a Ning Wei Wang.I love dark chocolate and gelato, too.It is very exciting to taste some gelato and cookies together.Many chinese put some fish in the ice cream and gelato.We always use the meat and vegetable to cook different kinds of snacks. You can give me your E-mail address, I'd like to share some chinese food stories with you,yummy, yummy, Ning

Ed (from Yuma)

Great looking stuff, and a nice explanation of gelato.


Thanks, Ed. It's really nice here.

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