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Sunday, 14 June 2015



First, I hope my years of following your excellent blog via my RSS reader have at least showed up on your SiteMeter or similar feed, so that you get one more accurate count of the popularity of your site.

Second, oxtails!

Third, I can understand your return from foreign travel and craving nothing. It's an awesome feeling, when I had it after travel. It meant that I'd satisfied myself somewhere, and the local locale seemed a bit bland. The exotic wasn't there. But the food was; I realized that soon. And it was back to enjoying the local fare with gusto. So gusto to you, soon! Thanks for all the excellent posts and pics over the years. You've built quite a directory for them heading to SD and Southern California. Cheers for that.


interesting cravings:)


Good point Dan! Thanks also for commenting and for the kind words. Somewhere along the line we kind of stopped counting "hits". This is really just a way of us remembering things and a labor of love. Thanks again for reading over the years.

It was Kat.

Soo H

Well Kirk after reading this I'm craving oxtails... I haven't had any since my mom last made them but now perhaps its time to try some.


Looks delicious.

I'm craving a bacon egg and cheese on a roll, New York corner deli style ($2.95!). I don't know what it is about where I am now, but it just isn't the same. I'm seriously considering going home for a visit just to eat my fill.


Hi Soo - Check them out. It's pretty good, nice flavor, nice folks.....much different from Asian style oxtails

Hi TFG - I need to get that fix! It's also nice to have you posting again!


Oxtails. And we dealt with that this past Saturday. The only problem I has was being lazy and asking the butcher at Vien Hung to cut them up. He didn't seem to care too much about the location of the joints. But on the other hand, it let the marrow melt into the braising liquid better.


Why have I not been here? I'll have to check this out.


Those oxtails look tasty and that gravy looks rich. I'm still waiting for you to post your oxtail stew recipe with pics of course.

Ed (from Yuma)

Suddenly craving oxtails.

Not only don't you count hits, but I don't recall a special "still blogging after 10 years" post.


Now you got me wanting more oxtail Jan!

You need to Jack. Haven't had it in a while, but thought the curry goat was pretty good as well.

I know Kyle......just kinda lazy and it's not quite cold enough for that. I never get past my oxtail soup.

Hi Ed - That's probably because we're always gone! Though I think we may need to have a milestone post. Though I think you'll need to come to otwn!


Was craving good tebasaki. Craving satisfied at Taisho last night. Ate both the yakitori and deep fried ones. Paired with ice cold $1 draft beers I was in heaven.


Funny thing Junichi....guess where we were last night? I guess the beer thing is for Yakyudori's anniversary.


Huh. I was there from 7pm to close so must have missed you. We were the 3 really loud Japanese dudes sitting at the counter chatting with the chef and drinking all night.


Yeah, we usually go early Junichi. Happy you had a great time!

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