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Monday, 15 June 2015



hmm kinda hit or miss...

Lynn @ Oh-SoYummy

we just went here this week for the first time. i see your point on the chicken wings because dennis said they were a little oily for him. we only tried one hot pot so far (went 'funky' with curry) so not quite sure what a normal hot pot would taste like. i think we'll try once more before we post ourselves.

which skewer is the "Yang Rou Chuan" ? (i need a translation)


I'm glad you liked the wings! was a bit worried after recommending them. I actually thought the hot pots were better when they first opened and now they are kind of cutting corners with the ingredients.


More hit than miss Kat!

Sorry Lynn - That's lamb skewers.

That's too bad Kirbie. Not a good sign.....


I was JUST there this weekend picking up three orders of the chicken wings for a bbq party! I like the wings but think they shouldn't serve them over lettuce (makes wings soggier). They have a new stone rice pot (煲仔飯) that I want to try out.


That's great Faye....can't wait to read about it.

the office goat

Dipping sauces? We've never been offered/given dipping sauces. :-/


Say what TOG???? That's not right......

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