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Tuesday, 02 June 2015



I have passed the coffee kiosk at UTC many times, but never took a closer look. Thanks to your post, I will stop by next time. Same with North County Fair (I think I recall seeing the kiosk because of the wine bar).


I often get mesmerized by the crepe scent here when I stop by that Anthro store in UTC. It's a cute kiosk but the crepes always looked skinny for some reason. I have seen their Escondido set up and thought it was awesome.


We only noticed the kiosk because it was open before most of the mall was open that morning, Sandy. (The ice rink has early lessons, so the parking area had cars...but nothing else was open until we starting walking back to our car). Finding not only the same name, but also a wine bar literally in the middle of another mall...well that was just fascinating.

The crêpe pans are larger than elsewhere, the crêpes may look skinny, but are quite substantial. The Escondido location is amazing and nothing I ever expected to see (or consume) in such a setting. Quality.


Crepes with coffee is a good combination. I don't think thry crepes downtown.


It just seems so right, cc. We will check out the third location of Elixir when we do our downtown walk.

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