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Thursday, 07 May 2015



max sounds like a great guy!


Hi Kat - He is really friendly and very nice and accommodating.


I tried Sagmani's in El Cajon today and it was a big disappointment. Very dry chicken and beef and small pieces of meat. The rice was luke warm and not hot. Doubt I will go again.

Have you ever tried Nahrain Fish and Chicken Grill? I didn't go in but saw some decent reviews of this place and they use a tandoori oven to cook a whole chicken as well as fish Masgoof which is butterflied fish put in a fish basket and cooked in the tandoori oven.

I will let you know if I try it out.

The bakery next door is great though called Shakira's Pastry and has great baklava and other bakery items. The one I liked best was the baklava with the cashew nuts.

Ed (from Yuma)

As always, love the travel posts. That wolf statue - if memory serves - is actually Etruscan. The babies (Romulus and Remus in Roman myth) were added later. I've always thought that is so powerful and yet, not just powerful. Anyway, thanks!!


Hey Jeff - You can read about Nahrain here:

Hi Ed - That was the belief until they did a radiocarbon and thermoluminescence dating finding that it was actually much "younger" than thought:

I remember seeing something about this several years back.


Cathy also posted on Shakira a few years ago. We tried Nahrain for our anniveraar lunch a few years ago and enjoyed the Masgoof based on her post. Her recommendations have also been spot on.


Yes they are CC!

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