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Thursday, 21 May 2015



Other than the overcast, food looks awesome. Super crispy hash, the way I like it.


I was just trying to decide where to go to breakfast this weekend. Thanks!


Go Cathy Go - you've been a bloggin machine lately! I don't frequent Shelter Island often but this breakfast looks tempting. Did they have their own parking lot? I don't think I've ever had fish & eggs for breakfast so that would be interesting to try.

Soo H

That is a lovely spot for a nice breakfast! :-)


It's pretty much overcast every morning lately, billy. The sun does show up daily, but a little later near the coast. Crispy hash browns are my downfall.

I have a disproportionate number of breakfast posts in my queue, JF. Red Sails Inn is a favorite.

You'll find out why around 11:35 this morning, Faye. There's a large public parking lot right across the street, with meters...but if you go farther back, (in that same lot) away from the Shelter Island Drive ( toward that round building) there are no meters. Fish for breakfast is another protein, and kind of nicer than the usual.

It's been in San Diego forever, Soo...we all tend to overlook what we have.


I've always wondered about this place! I never knew it's been around for that long! Looks like the decor is in a time capsule as well. The crispy hash browns look so good. I'd prefer that nice crispness over soft hash browns.


Red Sails is a nice place for breakfast, cc. I like to think I'm being all touristy when we here and imagine how the visitors all want to live like this, but can't. We are so fortunate.

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