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Monday, 23 March 2015



I've heard about Ototo but haven't had a chance to visit yet. I've noticed a few restaurants, that never previously served ramen, all of a sudden start offering ramen on the menu. Your Tonkotsu 101 manual comment says it best. These cookie cutter ramen places have tough competition especially in this neck of the woods.

Soo H

Sometimes I like eating cold hard chashu in the middle of the night when I'm watching a movie and need a quick snack...


Hi Faye - Everyone's trying to get a piece of the pie.

But do you want it in a bowl of hot ramen that you just paid almost 10 bucks for Soo?


Thanks for the post, I agree that both look like "broth from a box" type of ramen restaurants, seems like most sushi places that also serve ramen fall into this category.


I tired Ototo's ramen when they first opened. It was pretty bad and haven't returned since. Looking at your review it looks like it's still the same. I'll stay away.


Thanks Kirk! I did notice that OTOTO (haha Otot) signage. they should be teamed up with Kiki sushi. What is it with naming these sushi places with Filipino bad words...


Hi Jason - Quite true about all those sushi places now doing sushi.

Hi Junichi - I agree, it's not very good, especially for the price.

LOL CC! and mariscos trucks, right?




Yes....yet again Kat!

Soo H

You are wise Kirk. A late night snack is the only time I like my chashu cold.


Not so much Soo! But thanks!


At quick glance, i never would have thought that was a tonkatsu broth. The egg from Oton looks awesome.


It was quite strange Jack......totally not tonkotsu broth for me. That egg is probably the best of its kind in SD...the rest, well, not so much.

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