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Sunday, 15 February 2015



Wow, awesome Kirk!


a5 the best no matter which brand beef you get:)


It was a great meal Jack!

Undoubtetly Kat!


I've been to Kobe once. I was still in college and couldn't afford a kobe beef steak. So I settled for kobe beef croquette!


Actually, that sounds like a worthy alternative Junichi!


Looks and sounds so buttery.

I'm waiting for the member's discount....


Have fun with the 11+ pounds of beef Billy! ;o) 1.5k.....sheesh, that'll be some party!

J.S. @ Sun Diego Eats

Ha I've bookmarked that owl cafe ages ago I can't believe you were there! There is a great little Japanese clip on Youtube called 'Transformer Owl' that may or may not have precipitated this owl infatuation.....

And that kobe beef! Now I have two things I want to do in Kobe.


Make sure you get A-5 Kibe Beef! That's something really special JS! As for that owl thing....well, I don't know what to think......

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