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Thursday, 15 January 2015



very nice! we've never been to the top of the mountain. those deer like the ones in Nara are krazy!


Ha, imagine stumbling out of that restaurant and everyone thinking it's because you are drunk... when in reality it's because your leg has fallen asleep from too much sitting on the floor!


Hi Kat - We thought the deer here were even more aggressive than in Nara!

Hi Jason - Imagine me falling down those steps.....all because my foot fell asleep! ;o)


Those pictures conjure memories of reading Musashi. Especially the mountains.


Such pretty photos! Lol on the deer. I didn't know they make those noises either.


Glad you enjoyed the photos Jan!

Hi Kirbie - I dodn't know that first it kind of freaked me out, then I started laughing.


The pictures from the tram are incredible. Do you recall how much a one way ticket cost? I've never seen a Japanese wedding procession - is that the bride covered in the white hood on the rickshaw? Never been around friendly deer before (well, friendly meaning they're not scared of humans and come up to you).


Really great pictures Kirk!


Hi Faye - The scenery is actually from the top of Mt Misen. The ropeway costs about $10 one-way - $18 round trip. That is the bride in the rickshaw.....

Thanks Jack!

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