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Friday, 07 November 2014



lol I worked in that building after Mitsukoshi closed down!


That's too funny Kat!


I *loved* that Mitsukoshi in Waikiki - thanks for bringing that up because a couple of times I've asked myself, "wait, was that REALLY there or was I imagining it?"

My wife and I are always taken aback by the portion sizes overseas - and then taken aback again when we get back to the States.


Beautiful pictures!


Hi James - The name really jogged some memories. We really liked the portion sizes in Japan.

Hi Billy - No that was the price for the whole potato.... Meiji-jingo is very peaceful and pretty!


I was pretty excited to see a Tower Records store when we were in Dublin, Ireland! The friend in Ireland had spent time in the US many years ago and was surprised to hear that Tower Records no longer exists here. Yay for finding the CD that you wanted.


Hi Sandy - Thanks....I was really happy to get that CD......I'd have probably been happy buying the MP3, but it's not available. I was sad to see Tower Records close.


I have fond memories of Tower Records in college (Sports arena and El Cajon Blvd l9cations. That's cool that it still exists overseas.

Lovely photos in this post...

Hangzhou Hero

Just how short WERE the skirts Kirk my man?


Oh yes! the 109 building is Hilarious!! =D it always makes me crack up to see what crazy things they have. I have to admit, on our second trip to Tokyo we stayed in Shibuya. I love it so much =D I guess it's more up my alley!!


Hi CC - "My" Tower Records was on Keeaumoku street...I spent a good deal of time and $$ there. I felt sad when Tower closed their US stores. I do remember the Sports Arena location.

Short enough to get my attention HH!

Hi Lynnea - We're just not hip enough for Shibuya I guess! Ginza was more the Missus style. Still, I loved the Hachiko statue.

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