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Friday, 28 November 2014



what a great adventure!


That's funny, if you removed the japanese from that beer menu it would look like one from any typical San Diego restaurant. Looks like they have good taste!


It was Kat!

That's exactly what we thought Jason.... kind of cool, huh?


Ha, how ironic about the craft beer! Almost all are local to us!


Hi CC - Totally! It's like being home! ;o)

Ed (from Yuma)

An amazing day without a nap. I admire your stamina and the beautiful places you visited.


wow, sounds like that was a very full, but wonderful day =)


Hi Ed - Yeah, we were bushed at the end of this day.

It was Lynnea!


I was just rereading my diary from the year I spent in Kyoto, and when we went to Tofuku-ji they showed us the brush that was used to paint the dragon ceiling--it was six feet long!
Gion and Ponto-cho are kind of magical, aren't they? Natsukashii :-)


I'm glad you're enjoying these posts Jenne.... and that they bring back a feeling of nostaglia!

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