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Monday, 06 October 2014



That's a great idea to try the same dish at a Vietnamese restaurant this summer. I like that idea alot. Have you tried the eggplant & beef salad at Sab E Lee? I think I had the beef salad at Phuong Trang once and I want to say they used rice powder? Wondering if that was the ingredient that was perhaps missing from the beef salad here.


I haven't tried the lemon beef salad before. It's fun trying new dishes.

Lynn @ Oh-So Yummy

I haven't been here since Viet lessons on 54th St but I remember trying mock meat here for the first time! I've only had nem nuong at Brodards, followed by recent at Pho Ban Mai, not quite as good. I secretly crave bo kho but prefer my family's style verses restaurant version.


Thanks, Faye; sometimes I notice a pattern, even though it wasn't intentional. The beef salad at Phuong Trang was my least favorite, because of the lettuce and also lack of flavor; Saigon's needed some kind of heat or tang that wasn't achieved with fish sauce or garlic chili.

One thing you'll notice, cc, is that the lemon beef is apparently cooked in lemon, but the slices of fruit have consistently been limes on every salad. It's quite refreshing and a bit different.

We tend to forget Saigon is here, too, Lynn. Many versions of Bo Kho are disappointing, but it was very good here. I think it's the crunch inside the Nem Nuong at Brodard - it's a Summer *and* a Spring roll.

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