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Monday, 29 September 2014



Yeah, loved the beer but less so the food. Happy hour selection is OK but they don't tell you that the main dinner menu is not available until 6:00. Still, they deserve lots of credit for trying to make food that's more than the usual pub grub. Great decor, excellent service.


That's too bad with the inconsistency of the food. I haven't had a chance to come back since my initial trip though I've been meaning to. I've been hearing that the food has been up and down since they got busy. Hopefully they will work it out...And finally I get to hear the story of the wings!


at least the beers don't disappoint


Hi Ken - We were told the first time we went for happy hour that the regular menu isn't available until 1800, though they should make the more visible. Like the folks who work here and the beer selection is usually good as well as the temp of the beer when it's served.

Hi Kirbie - You know, I thought that was an interesting story...small world. The food has been inconsistent, hopefully they get their kitchen straight.

Yes Kat....which is why we go there.

Soo H.

Wow! Too bad you can't always get good wings... Not really the kind of excitement I'm looking for. Will the wings be great or not...


Nice. I was wondering about that place and now I'm more likely to try it out. The Yelp reviews seem to agree, the food needs improvement but at least they are doing unique things.

Anything is better than Moby Dick's. But then, I didn't mind what was there before then ;)


Hey Soo - At least there's a good variety of beer which is served I can get excited about that.

LOL Denver - Check them out and let me know how you like it. You might get lucky! ;o)


Mmmmmm duck fat fries.


LOL Billy - It's hard to pass those up!


any know what happened the chef or cook that left? It was whoever had the hot wing recipe. It changed and I heard he left.


I heard they changed chefs too Vince. So let me try and find out.

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