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Wednesday, 20 August 2014





Yeah, just so-so Kat.


Disappointing, but those taters would be spectacular with chilly cheese on it I love crunch fried spuds.


Hey Billy - These were really hard so they would have benefited with some kind of sauce...still being perfectly fried would be optimal.


Thanks for the review, Kirk. I trust your reviews and it sounds like little has changed with the food since my last visit five years ago. Although the food isn't necessarily bad, it is rather average tasting with the high price tag. Where do you recommend finding a better representation of a Chicago dog in SD?


Hi LL - Thanks for the kind words. I gotta tell you, I really don't do "reviews" per se; just kind of give my opinions on what we eat. Each Chicago Dog I've had in SD has a weak point and in fact many of those places have closed. Bang for buck; I'd say Lefty's. Do let me know if you run across a good Chicago Dog!

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