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Sunday, 01 June 2014


Ed (from Yuma)

Looks good. I will have to remember for a banh mi when heading out of town. Just had a banh xeo today at Pho 43 in Phoenix - not nearly as much pork, but the crepe was slightly charred, making it nice and crunchy.

But I'm back in Yuma now and will turn in keys from work tomorrow - so that will officially conclude the last 14 years of putting my shoulder to the wheel and keeping my nose on the grindstone (which can be damned uncomfortable sometimes).


Oooh, their sign also says "fresh sugar cane juice"! :) Must visit...


The soft lentil (interesting description!) in the banh xeo are mung bean. Good to know they make a good version. And congratulations, Ed, on leaving the grindstone behind.

J.S. @ Sun Diego Eats

Good to know about this place. I feel like this blog has very high quality standards for Asian food so I'm always excited to hear about places that are very good instead of just ok!!


This would be right on your way, Ed- and the banh mi are so good here. Congratulations on your new phase; it's here!
Yes, you need to stop here, cc...for a bit of everything.
I fixed it, Sandy (thank you). I remember asking long ago and had forgotten...mung bean is better on carbs than lentils, that explains why this version is more of a favorite-no sugar spike.
Thanks, J.S.- Kirk is Japanese from Hawaii and His Missus was born in China, so they really know (and teach all of us) about quality Asian. I am the Polish Michigander married to a Finn and try to share what I know and like-and will tell you if I don't.


The banh xeo doesn't look like it was done correctly. Growing up my mom would fry the pork and shrimp pan with some onions before the batter was poured and green onions and sprouts was added during the folding process. This processes yields a tastier banh xeo IMO.


Your mom's way sounds really good, Bill. I do try banh xeo at most places and this one does look different, you're right about that. I shall continue the quest!


I hope you get something done correctly and not soaking in oil. If I made something like that my mom would disowned me. ;-)
I wouldn't feed that to anyone if I wasn't going to eat it myself.


It was just crispy, not at all oily, Bill...some of the other versions, which look flaky, are very oily. How this crepe tastes, wrapped in the lettuce with mint and some meat, is the version I like.

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