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Wednesday, 12 February 2014



:( though I hope Dennis is back posting soon too!


Oh the Vegetable Kakiage Don looks so crispy and delicious. How many pieces of shrimp did they give you for the additional $3? I had my first try of tako wasabi at Yakyudori and thought it was alright. I bet lemon zest would taste quite nice with it. Sad to hear the visits here were more busts than success.

Hangzhou Hero

That is one of the saddest lamb chops I've seen in a while. Too bad, Kirk!


So sad...speechless.


I do too Kat!

Hi Faye - 2 shrimp. Try the Kakiage lunch special at Sakura.

It looks quite sad, doesn;t it HH?

Hi Billy - It was a pretty disappointing dinner.


Thanks for taking another one for the team! We are relying on you to save us from bloody chicken! :-)


So how was the chicken sashimi by the way?


LOL Soo......

It's more of a texture thing, but not a big deal Jan.


It was still a fun night, despite the food!


As it always is Candice!


That's too bad, we've had some good stuff there, but seems to be hit or miss, and this looks to be a miss.


Hi PedMa - So far....three visits in, this place seems more like a miss than anything else.


the spacey ramen looks like funky noodles but the black ramen looks kinda tasty. i meant to try this place a few months back but their weekend lunch's 45 minute wait changed our minds to yamadaya instead. we may end up trying this place eventually but i sure hope the food is better than your three visits! that's a lot of 'second chances'...

we attended the ramen yokocho festival recently. i wonder how many of those places you would have liked!


Hi Lynn - You know, festivals are fun, but because of all the various things going on, I never go in thinking I'll get the best of what a place produces.

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