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Monday, 27 January 2014



kinda hit miss...


That kind of sums up Pho in San Diego Kat!


Thyme in pho - I don't even want to think what that would taste like. I think you pretty much saw San Diego's Armageddon being represented at Pho Thyme that day.


Want to try your luck on Miramar Road again? I spied a new place in the same strip mall as Kolbeh. I haven't been there (nor the new place on Scranton Road), so I can't vouch for it.


Hi Faye - Pho-margeddon????

Hi Jan - Pho 46, already been there. A post is coming up.


What? First I've heard of shallot in pho broth.


I've seen it at a couple of places Billy.

What are your favorite pho places in San Diego?



Hi Kha - My favorites in San Diego are:

Broth and overall - Pho Lucky
Protein - Pho Cow Cali
Tendon - Pho Ca Dao

Chuc mung nam moi!


Pho Lucky is my favorite around SD too. Although, I haven't been there in about ~6 months. I never make it to Pho Cow Cali anymore since it is so close to Pho Lucky.

For whatever reason, I've never been a big fan of Pho Ca Dao. Not sure why, most of my friends enjoy the pho there.

Next time you order a viet pork chop, add a fried egg to it.

Chuc mung nam moi.


Speaking of Pho Thyme, my daughter and I went to Pho "Time" in PB today which was pretty much a mistake. I thought I was being expedient to have lunch here since there were 2 other places close by that we visited. Let's just say we won't be going back.


Sounds like a pho-gettable experience CC!

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