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Thursday, 21 November 2013



Hey Ed - I thgouht that place looked familiar....I think you recommended the place to me back in November, 2005! That's funny:

Eight years later!

Ed (from Yuma)

That's funny. I thought you'd eaten there, but i forgot your original Yuma post had 4 parts, so I missed it. That was over 8 years ago. Geez, that means it took me over 8 years to write the place up.


Everything looks really good; very nice post. The Mister noticed the lengua and definitely is tongue. The filets in garlic butter sauce is new to me, yet what I do with shrimp fairly regularly; must try doing that. The whole tilapia is so pretty and making me hungry.


That lengua sure looks good to me. And I haven't had "folded tacos" in ages. I think it's about time.

Man, what's the time span for these photos?


Lucky for me San Antonio has all I can eat Mexican food

Ed (from Yuma)

Here, Cathy, they serve lengua skin on - though when I fix it for parties or potlucks, I usually peel it off: "This meat is really good - what kind of meat is it?"

I don't usually have folded tacos, jan, but every once in a while the urge grapbs me. A lot of these pictures were shot last fall (2012). When my old computer creaked its way into digital heaven in the summer of 2012, I lost a whole bunch of older photos; otherwise I could have really used some old ones. Truth is, most of the time I eat at TMR or MR, I don't take pics, so these are just what I had around.

I'll bet there's good Mexican in San Anton'

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