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Monday, 04 November 2013



I've never ventured out far beside my usual galbi tang soup. I might have to step out of my comfort zone.


I like Chon Ju Jip. They have the best Spicy Pork BBQ so far. Parking can be a hassle. Grandma's looks good for a visit.


I tried to go to Chon Ju Jip once and it was sooo hot/stuffy in there and no one even tried to seat us. Is Walmido still open BTW? Last time we visited that center, we noticed Walmido/Isushi was being 'remodeled' (yet again).

I like Grandma's. I think the food there is quite good too.


Still haven't made my way to Chon Ju Jip... It's on my list but I always forget to go. The goat stew looks interesting, I wonder if it's the Korean take on the Chinese shuan yang rou, haha.


Then you have a whole new world of dining fun ahead of you Billy.

Hi Denver - It's very old school.I kind of recall the Daeji Bulgogi being one of the better things, though not spicy enough, when we last visited in 2009.

Hi Faye - The place is very old school. I believe I mentioned that Walmido has become iSushi in a previous post:

Hi Jinxi - I believe that they consider jeongul to be more of a stew. Its heritage is tracked back to the more peasant jigae. Now the history of jigae.......


I love Chon Ju Jip! The slightly weird "grandma" vibe is my kind of thing for sure. :)


It sure is Jenne! ;o)


whoa wasabi...


It was interesting to see that with this Kat.


After reading this and mentioning it to the Mister, he said, "um, sure, I'd be willing to try it." So next time he has a weekend off, we're going. Not sure if I'll like it since I haven't developed a taste for goat yet. Maybe this will change things.


I hope you try it out Carol.

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