mmm-yoso!!!, food blog, descriptions, sharing experiences. Kirk, Ed(from Yuma) and Cathy write here quite a bit. This time, it's Cathy's turn.
Long story short, a client wanted me to meet for lunch and exchange of paperwork. Knowing I lived 'just up the road' (Friars Road turns into Mission Gorge Road, going straight into Santee), he suggested Jump Tokyo, which is at the intersection where the name change occurs. I have seen Jump Tokyo over the years (more than ten years), passing by when parking in the lot to go to other restaurants in the same parking lot, but never have eaten here.
It's in the same mall with a Rubios, Einstein's, Carl's Jr as well as Troy's Greek Restaurant, San Diego Brewing Company, Saigon Star, Gaglione Brothers, Starbucks, Jamba Juice, Ra Ka De Ka and several other restaurants. Within walking distance from Kaiser Hospital, the businesses are always buzzing. The parking lot is large enough to handle cars for all the restaurants (Looking at you, Convoy Street) and I've never had a problem finding a spot here.
Inside, the wooden tables and chairs are nice to see. The decor on the walls includes paper specials.
My friend ordered the chicken katsu plate ($7.95). The chicken was a good size, pounded chicken breast that was lightly breaded and crispy fried-not burned nor dry. Placed on top of the shredded cabbage ensured the cutlet stayed crispy and didn't get soggy through the meal. It was served with the rice (topped with three edamame) and a generic salad, topped with a sesame oil based dressing.
We thought we had ordered vegetable tempura, but somehow received these tempura'd onion rings. Same price ($4.95) as the vegetable tempura. Nicely fried, not greasy and the onions were sweet and thick..
I ordered the tuna tataki salad ($8.95). Not pretty, but very tasty and quite large. The hot tea was $1.50 each.
When we were part way through our meal a group of eight who were obviously 'regulars' came in and occupied one of the larger center tables. They knew what they wanted to order and seemed very enthusiastic about each item when it was brought out (many rolls from the sushi area). I'm going to have to explore the menu with The Mister some day.
Jump Tokyo 10450 Friars Road San Diego 92120 (619) 280-4043
Hey Kirk, long time...
Check out Izakaya Ouon(?) as well, took over YuMeYa in Hillcrest....found it to be a nice spot.
Posted by: PedMa | Thursday, 24 October 2013 at 11:43 PM
Hi PedMa - I heard about this place and it's on my list. Thanks for the reminder. Hope all is well.
Posted by: Kirk | Friday, 25 October 2013 at 09:51 AM