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Thursday, 10 October 2013



Like I've always said Ed. Phil's makes some of the best "ketchup" in San Diego....great on the fries. As for the ribs...'meh'


At least the wine was tasty.

J.S. @ Sun Diego Eats

I had never had BBQ until I was in college either and even though Phil's is far from bad tasting it didn't blow me away either. I like the chicken as well and I usually get the beef ribs instead of the pork.


Kirk, could you please do Coop's? Some locals swear that they have better BBQ than Phil's.


It is better than Phil's, like in a different universe better, like real BBQ better.....I've been there, just have never posted on the place.


Phil's is a complete joke!

I remember maybe 10 years ago this is where I first talked to Kirk on the old Chowhound site.

We would talk about Phil's on the site.

I had organized some parties and that is where Kirk met Ed I believe it was at the Jasmine party or maybe a previous party.

The rest as they say is history.

I cook my own BBQ and have tried Phil's, Coops, etc. and none of them can hold a candle to mine at home.

Ed (from Yuma)

I did not doubt your word, Kirk, but I've had other commodity ribs before that were better than Phil's. They really didn't "meat" my fairly low expectations. I guess you gotta do a Coop's post now.

The wine and conversation were very good, billy. It was overall a good evening. And I agree in general, JS, with what you say. That was about how I felt.

Good to hear from you again, buddha. I don't remember Kirk at the Jasmine get together (but he may have been at the other table), but he was the one who organized the sichuan dinner at the place that had just fired its chef. I never did get over for some of your bbq, but back in the day, Yuma actually had a place with ribs way better than Phil's. The visit to Phil's was occasioned by geography, not cuisine.


I am fairly certain that he was at your table at the Jasmine party. I was also at the sichuan party I think he and I organized that one.

I am happy that I brought you two together and you became good friends.


The Mister works around the corner from Phil's and he said that the parking lot is no longer crammed during lunches like it used to a few years back. Not surprised since their ribs have steadily gotten worse. Still like their sauce though.

Ed, if you're ever there again, the small Pho shop in the same complex is not bad. Certainly for walking distance.

Ed (from Yuma)

I'll have to ask Kirk about Jasmine. That was a LONG time ago.

Thanks for the tip, Carol. The pho place must be a somewhat recent addition. I sometimes went to an Indian restaurant that used to be in the complex. But truth be told, I actually wanted to try Phil's just to understand the crowds and the controversy.


Phil's is overrated. I can't understand the popularity. I can't stand their sauce. Too vinegary and they smother it on all their meats. Next time I'll get sauce on the side. Their sliced beef brisket sandwich is awful.

Coop's is the best in SD so far. Love the pulled pork and rib tips. Family-owned and great service. Great choices of sauces and free sweet tea. Their only downside for me is location since they are far from me.

Bull's Smokin' BBQ is a decent alternative. The beef ribs are pretty big. Haven't tried the pork ribs. The sandwiches were kinda disappointing.

Abbey's Real Texas BBQ in Miramar doesn't get too much love but I like their sandwiches (pork or brisket). Kinda pricey.

Ed (from Yuma)

Thanks, Denver. I had not heard of Coop's before the responses to the post. But as I've said, I was mostly looking for a dinner close. While I was not expecting a lot from Phil's, I was expecting a little better than I got. I do like the vinegery sauce, but to each their own.

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