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Tuesday, 13 August 2013



Wow, how can you go wrong with white rice and chicken adobo? I thought those two are easy to make. Mr. C works down the street and he sometimes eat the beef bbq. He says it's good.


Looks good and with all that white rice. It could have almost been a winner!


Hi TFD - Strange, didn't see beef, only chicken and pork.

Almost Billy, almost....


This used to my FAVE place to visit for skewers back in the day! I think they actually used to be called Skewers? But yeah, most times the meats were dry unless they freshly grille the items for you.

I haven't had the spicy pork so perhaps it's worth revisiting this small place when I'm in the area. The parking lot is a mess during peak lunch hours though!


Hi Faye - I'm not sure the spicy pork is worth going out of your way.


I noticed this place the last few times I was there. I had missed it before because I always enter from the opposite side of the mall. After your review, I'd doubt I would eat here when better choices are just a few minutes East.


Hi Carol - It's a good place for a quick lunch. But you're right, the choices are better down the street.


Tem's BBQ is my favorite.


Hi Charles - Thanks for visiting and commenting. May I say your "handle" seems to suit you?

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