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Friday, 09 August 2013



Gotta say last time I've been there (my 3rd) had a great omakase as usual but was a little disappointed at the price I paid. I ended up paying just as much as a single diner with my last time at kaito with my wife. same beer and otokayama at each.

I'm sure ill be back, and unknown it depends on the fish you have but not sure if you've noticed a hike in prices as well.


Yum! Still haven't tried this place. What is the item after the oysters?


Hi Rob - Not really. In fact, we spent less this time I'll keep my eye on that next time.

Hi Sandy - Take-san's wife made some fish cake that day, so we got some. It was delish!


Oh that all looks so good right now . What is the third picture of? Is it fried calamari steak ?


Everything looks so good. I can't wait to eat here. You end with ice cream?


Hi Faye - Yake-san's wife made fish was delish.

Hi TFD - He brought that over to us at the end of the meal. Black Sesame Ice Cream.


I'm so glad you finally had a good meal without having to cook it yourself. Hate those ruts. Everything looks very fresh.


Hi Cathy - Yes, this was a nice break. We've never been disappointed at Tadokoro.

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