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Monday, 01 July 2013



That was awesome. Something new to try.


Your wife did a great job with the wings! And yay, the "friend" is back! 0_o


Hi Kirk, I've recently learned how to strategically cut some connective tissue on tebasaki so that it pulls off easily (could use kitchen sheers). I would guess yakyudori preps theirs similarly. Also when making 'soft' tsukune like theirs I learned in the past it's much easier to partially firm it in the microwave (skewered with plastic wrap), just enough so that it holds when on the grill.


Hi Billy - Have fun.

Hi CC - Yes, he is....

Hi Dennis - I just think she needed to trim it a bit more. For jobs like that I have an inexpensive, but good boning knife. It'll be interesting to see what She comes up with for the tsukune.

Ed (from Yuma)

That poor dog. What torture it must be to live next to you guys.


I think it was your blog that introduced me to Yakyudori all those years ago (when there were still in Hillcrest). And to this day, our favorite item there is the Teba! I still think it's priced high but man, does it taste oh so good. I have not been to Marukai to buy meats but the pic of the beautiful toro makes me wanna jump in car right now and visit the market.


Can post pictures of the chicken being splaying and post it?


Wandering Chopsticks

I love wings and the missus' obsessions are awesome. Especially since I get fixated on food too, but not to the extent she does. That's a whole 'nother level.


LOL Ed! Torture probably in more ways than one with Da Boyz around!

Hi Faye - I've found that the beef and pork at Marukai is better than Nijiya most of the time. The pork toro was really good.

If the Missus remembers how to do it Billy....or maybe I'll just go ahead and do it.

It sure is WC....never knew anyone who takes it to extend She does.


Oh you in big trouble, brudda....I feel da' pain, with Ms. Pedma in the same frame' da min, you don't win! story! And good lookin' wings!

Suggest you head up and try Siam Nara, only if they have the Essan menu....must try gailan and moo-ping yum (they said they were taking off menu) cold gailan, moo-ping yum.

Also, Khaprao gai was pretty good! Also on Essan before you go to make sure it is still there.

Hope you guys are well.....




Hi PedMa - I've been meaning to get back there....they had set Issan menus back in 2011, is it different now?

I'll get to it Billy!


Yes, it was an additional Essan menu. They have some kind of fish festivel going on and also an Essan menu (different that the Essan set menu) Hopefully it is still there....

Take care....


Thanks for the heads-up PedMa!


the Missus she's so cool :)


And very determined Kat!


Very helpful reviews on wings!
Have you tried OB Noodle House wings, I hear good things about them but have never been.


Hi Ramon - It's been years, so maybe it's time for another visit.

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