One of the side benefits about doing this blog for so long is that I get to document things, how our eating has changed over time, ditto with my cooking, our travels, and so forth. One of the really fun and interesting items I've been to post about over the years are the Missus's food feet-ishes umm, obsessions, some of which are narrowly focus on a single item, sometimes from a single place, or perhaps a dish with a common "mechanical" function, many of have been documented here in detail.
And just as many times, the Missus has "sworn off" things after finding out what the ingredients are, or perhaps how something is made. The longest running "item that shall not pass my lips" was chicken and turkey. Folks have asked for the cause of this. All I have for you is a video of this commercial:
Which somehow traumatized the Missus so much that She refused to eat chicken or turkey (except on vacation). The Missus was very good at keeping Her word as I've noted several times. This, other than the Asian Pear overload (a story for a different day) has been the longest running "I shall not eat"......starting in November of 2009, as I mention here. It only ended a bit over a week ago, though with strict conditions....I do believe turkey is still not welcomed, though.
So, what ended the historic and epic chicken prohibition? It was victory by Binchotan as duly noted in this recent post. It seems that those bincho-tainted wings won Her in essence we've grilled in that manner 5 times over the last two weeks. Always with something interesting; in this case "Kamo", duck breast.
And with chicken wings of course. During one of our sessions, the Missus mentioned how good the wings were, probably among the best She could recall. Instead of showing restraint, I made the mistake of saying that our grilled wings were not as good as Yakyudori's. Thus began the interrogation. All that was missing was the bright light blasting into my face, the water dripping into my eye, and maybe a dentist drill. "Just what makes Yakyudori's wings better!", "Well, it's decent quality wings, second joint only, heavily seasoned with good quality salt, but the main thing is how the wings were skewered." "Well......." Showing no will-power I instantly spilled the beans: "The wings are skewered in such a way to stretch the skin, maximizing surface area. The bones are separated making it easy to pull out without burning your fingers." Yes, such is life in the mmm-yoso household, an entire conversation about stretching chicken wing skin.......what happened to us?
Suddenly, Yakyudori went from a shop the Missus wasn't interested in, to one we just had to go in the next evening. And of course we had those wings.......
And of course I was was better than what we made at home.
My gloating was short lived however, as the Missus directed me to Marukai on the way home. You guessed it. To pick up chicken wings.
The next evening, as the Missus prepped Herself for wing surgery, I got the other stuff ready. Lit the binchotan and prepared the shishito peppers, shiitake mushrooms, okra, and some pork "toro".....
25 minutes had passed and the charcoal was white and hot when the Missus finally finished Her 6 wings. I gotta say, She did a great job.
She basked in the glory of Her wings.....
With a side order of gloating thrown in, "Ha, after 15 years, I finally got a cooking point over you! Fifteen years!"
I gotta admit, these were pretty darn good, and I told Her so. Immediately, the Chinese daughter came out, "hmmm, the bones don't break away as easy as Yakyudori...maybe the skin can be stretched a bit more...."
Remember our drooling "friend" from our previous post? He was back again.
The Missus said he reminds Her of this character from the old series Home Improvement.
As dinner was finishing up, I told the Missus what a good, albeit rather long job She had done. She absently told me, "I don't really remember how I did that......."
She had already moved on, mentioning how much She enjoyed the Tsukune at Yakyudori.
Oh-oh, another obsession coming up?
Stay tuned.......
Yakyudori Ramen and Yakitori
4898 Convoy St
San Diego, CA 92111
That was awesome. Something new to try.
Posted by: Nhbilly | Monday, 01 July 2013 at 08:32 PM
Your wife did a great job with the wings! And yay, the "friend" is back! 0_o
Posted by: caninecologne | Monday, 01 July 2013 at 08:40 PM
Hi Kirk, I've recently learned how to strategically cut some connective tissue on tebasaki so that it pulls off easily (could use kitchen sheers). I would guess yakyudori preps theirs similarly. Also when making 'soft' tsukune like theirs I learned in the past it's much easier to partially firm it in the microwave (skewered with plastic wrap), just enough so that it holds when on the grill.
Posted by: Dennis | Monday, 01 July 2013 at 11:17 PM
Hi Billy - Have fun.
Hi CC - Yes, he is....
Hi Dennis - I just think she needed to trim it a bit more. For jobs like that I have an inexpensive, but good boning knife. It'll be interesting to see what She comes up with for the tsukune.
Posted by: Kirk | Tuesday, 02 July 2013 at 06:42 AM
That poor dog. What torture it must be to live next to you guys.
Posted by: Ed (from Yuma) | Tuesday, 02 July 2013 at 09:48 AM
I think it was your blog that introduced me to Yakyudori all those years ago (when there were still in Hillcrest). And to this day, our favorite item there is the Teba! I still think it's priced high but man, does it taste oh so good. I have not been to Marukai to buy meats but the pic of the beautiful toro makes me wanna jump in car right now and visit the market.
Posted by: Faye | Tuesday, 02 July 2013 at 11:14 AM
Can post pictures of the chicken being splaying and post it?
Posted by: nhbilly | Tuesday, 02 July 2013 at 01:35 PM
I love wings and the missus' obsessions are awesome. Especially since I get fixated on food too, but not to the extent she does. That's a whole 'nother level.
Posted by: Wandering Chopsticks | Tuesday, 02 July 2013 at 02:32 PM
LOL Ed! Torture probably in more ways than one with Da Boyz around!
Hi Faye - I've found that the beef and pork at Marukai is better than Nijiya most of the time. The pork toro was really good.
If the Missus remembers how to do it Billy....or maybe I'll just go ahead and do it.
It sure is WC....never knew anyone who takes it to extend She does.
Posted by: Kirk | Tuesday, 02 July 2013 at 07:34 PM
Oh you in big trouble, brudda....I feel da' pain, with Ms. Pedma in the same frame' da min, you don't win! story! And good lookin' wings!
Suggest you head up and try Siam Nara, only if they have the Essan menu....must try gailan and moo-ping yum (they said they were taking off menu) cold gailan, moo-ping yum.
Also, Khaprao gai was pretty good! Also on Essan before you go to make sure it is still there.
Hope you guys are well.....
Posted by: PedMa | Tuesday, 02 July 2013 at 08:58 PM
Posted by: nhbilly | Wednesday, 03 July 2013 at 11:59 AM
Hi PedMa - I've been meaning to get back there....they had set Issan menus back in 2011, is it different now?
I'll get to it Billy!
Posted by: Kirk | Wednesday, 03 July 2013 at 06:04 PM
Yes, it was an additional Essan menu. They have some kind of fish festivel going on and also an Essan menu (different that the Essan set menu) Hopefully it is still there....
Take care....
Posted by: PedMa | Thursday, 04 July 2013 at 11:43 AM
Thanks for the heads-up PedMa!
Posted by: Kirk | Thursday, 04 July 2013 at 12:41 PM
the Missus she's so cool :)
Posted by: kat | Thursday, 04 July 2013 at 06:54 PM
And very determined Kat!
Posted by: Kirk | Thursday, 04 July 2013 at 07:56 PM
Very helpful reviews on wings!
Have you tried OB Noodle House wings, I hear good things about them but have never been.
Posted by: Ramon | Thursday, 20 November 2014 at 09:28 AM
Hi Ramon - It's been years, so maybe it's time for another visit.
Posted by: Kirk | Thursday, 20 November 2014 at 05:55 PM