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Monday, 03 June 2013



So cool! When we went, we didn't see any folks paragliding! Now I want to go again but with Bert and TC (perhaps squeeze in a visit to Green Acre first). The views are spectacular there!


I cringe when I have to revisit old posts of mine, but that one wasn't too I suppose, haha. It's a perfect place to have a packed bento. ;)


What a wonderful way to get a great meal and then a great view of our coastline, cc. Green Acre is open 8 until 6; avoiding the noon-2 pm crowds would be easy to do.

That was a good post,'s funny to see how we bloggers put in the small photos and were more concerned with words compared to now making posts with just photographs and not many descriptives. Yes- bento at the glider port! I've only done that for the Zoo...


I can't believe I've lived in SD most of my life and I have YET to come here. If i plug it into GPS, will it be easy to find? I'm worried I'll get lost trying to find it. But the pics from your visit look amazing - the sky and ocean look so crazy beautiful blue.

N. Torrey Pines Road and Torrey Pines Scenic Drive is a signal light, Fay. Just keep driving on it and the paving ends but continues into a quite large (more than 100 vehicles probably parked there) dirt parking lot. I've attached a googleearth link. You can sort of see the small blue/white rectangle building to the left of the left curved off street. Not much else around. It was a perfectly clear day; all of my photos since September 2007 have been taken with my iPhone.

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