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Tuesday, 23 April 2013



Buttery croissant everything is so so so gooood.


Hi Cathy, I liked this place even before the change when it was Megan's Cafe. I need to get that t-shirt, "bacon is a vegetable" haha.


I've never been to this part of town before. Is there a farmer's market in the area too? We might try to run Cowles mtn soon so this would be a great place to eat afterwards!You had me at Elvis Cakes (chocolate chip banana pancakes topped with peanut butter)...


So true, Bill. Before having it here, I never could imagine such a treat.
Oh yes, Megans was a really nice place, Dennis. It never was as crowded as Trails is now, though. I thought you'd like the t-shirt!
There are more than 50 Farmers Markets a week in this large county, Faye! Link: It looks like San Carlos is on Thursday. There are lines on weekends, so get there early!


ermegerd I haven't ever heard of croissant french toast before but it sounds brilliant! the colors in the restaurant look very festive too, sounds like a lovely breakfast.


Love their omelets and their muffins, it was good before Robert Irvine remade it over. Since then it's been even better


It is the most perfect food ever, FH, and it was a sort of celebratory meal. Thank you for teaching me a new word.

You are right, Loren, the food always was good here. But the brighter, cleaned up space and menu changes makes Trails more notable. It certainly has a more eclectic following these days.

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