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Tuesday, 16 April 2013



Wow has it been that long Kirk?! Time sure flies! I still prefer a Rocky's but I learned to appreciate a Hodad's over the years. My last burger at Rockys a month ago was a little over cooked and not as juicy as they usually are so I guess they can have their off days too..


I haven't been to Rocky's before but have heard good things about it.


that looked and sounded awesome!


Plenty of burgers lovin in SA,TX


Hi Dennis - I've had rather dry burgers at Rocky's in the past too. This one was really good though.

Hi CC - It's a good basic pub burger.

It was good Kat, better than I recalled.

Hi Billy - I would hope're in Texas! ;o)


No more bacon at Hodad's?

Ed (from Yuma)

Looks and sounds tasty.


Hi Jan - Of course they still have bacon at Hodad's. What I'm referring to is how much that burger is dimisned by not having bacon on it.

Hi Ed - Still good after all these years. I hope all is well.


All these new burger chains have just made me want to go back to Rocky's. I've been thinking about doing so for quite a while but always so lazy about driving into the PB area. This post really makes me want a burger.


Oh. Duh!

By the way, my ex bosses bought a bar in Oceanside and started serving burgers (they met in PB). I haven't made it up there yet, but the burger in the photo doesn't look too bad:


Hi Kirbie - Yeah, I know what you mean....sometimes a good straight-forward old fashioned burger is what does the trick.

Hi Jan - That looks interesting.


Bacon makes everything taster better.


Yes it does Billy

Christina C

IMHO, Rocky's is still hands down the best SD burger. Like you, I've wavered with Hodad's, but every time I get a Rocky's burger, I think to myself "why did I question this burger". It's beautiful in it's simplicity. Juicy, messy in a good way, salty, beefy.

I hate an overly busy burger, which is why I love Rocky's. I have those same blue collar roots Kirk and know where you are coming from.


Hi Christina - I totally agree!

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